Candidiasis (often called candida) is an infectious condition caused by an overgrowth of the parasitic yeast-like fungus Candida Albicans. This fungus is normally found in the vagina, genital tract, mouth, throat, esophagus, intestinal tract and on the skin. Its growth is usually kept in check by an enormous number of friendly bacteria (there are more than 100 trillion bacteria inhabiting the human intestinal tract) inhabiting the same local or organ. If the infection is located in the mouth, it is known as thrush or moniliasis. Systemic candidiasis is an overgrowth of candida throughout the body. In extreme cases candida can enter the bloodstream and invade every organ system causing a type of blood poisoning called candida septicemia.
There are over a dozen different causes of candida, however, a few of the more "usual suspects" are: 1. Overuse of antibiotics; 2. Birth control pills; 3. Stress and elevated cortisol levels; 4. Chlorine found in ordinary tap water; 5. Poor dietary habits particularly refined carbohydrate and sugar consumption; 6. Constipation; 7. Excess use of drugs and alcohol; 8. Immune deficiency (i.e., AIDS or cancer); and 9. Diabetes. This is only a short list of possible culprits found to promote candidiasis.
Typically, when there is an overgrowth of candida there will be complaints of uncomfortable bloating, flatulence, food reactions or sensitivities, allergies, fatigue, chronic constipation, diarrhea, lack of concentration, skin rash, discharge, nail fungus, fever, eczema, depression, itching, memory loss, sugar cravings, oral thrush, and other various digestive problems. If the fungus is not properly controlled, it can spread throughout the vaginal area, prostate, lungs, heart and liver, sparking a myriad of problems. It is important to note that 80% of all healthy people will have normal colonies of candida in their mouth, gastrointestinal system, vagina and rectum, however, these colonies are kept in check by the presence and efforts of scores of friendly bacteria that prevent infection from occurring.
1. Garlic in any form, preferably raw and onions.
2. Multistrained probiotics or friendly bacteria (acidophilus, bifidobacterium bifidum).
3. Pau D’Arco tea, green tea, tea tree oil, oregano oil, clove oil and grapefruit seed oil.
4. Black walnut, goldenseal, caprylic acid, raspberries and strawberries.
• All sugars should be avoided because candida thrives on sugars.
• Avoid alcohol because it is fermented, contains sugar and suppresses the immune system.
• Avoid all milk which contains lactose.
• Avoid all foods containing yeast and vinegar.
• Limit those foods that may be possible allergens.
• Avoid mold containing foods: cheese, grapes, mushrooms, leftovers and fermented foods.
• Make sure meats and poultry are free of antibiotics and growth hormones.
• Eat only mercury-free seafood whenever possible.
For more in-depth information about candida and what can be done, please see the list of references below and/or attend my upcoming lecture on Combating Candida, June 25, 2008 (see lecture information below).
Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary ................ F. A. Davis Company
Integrative Medicine Access, Professional Reference to Conditions, Herbs and Supplements
Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide ................ Burton Goldberg Group
The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine ................ Charles B. Clayman, M.D.
Prescription for Nutritional Healing ................ James F. Balch, M. D.
The Yeast Connection ................ William C. Crook, M. D.
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