Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Remedy of The Month: MAY

ARNICA MONTANA (Leopard’s Bane)
Out of the more than 5,000 different homeopathic remedies, arnica montana is probably the most well known and most frequently used by homeopaths, medical doctors, plastic surgeons, nurses, chiropractors, dentists, athletes, moms and weekend warriors. The wide-spread notoriety of arnica is due mainly to its tremendous versatility for aiding in the relieving of pain and discomfort of traumatic injuries, both minor and serious. Arnica’s benefits range from tending to the aches and pains of a toddler that has tumbled down a flight of stairs, to the star running back colliding head on with the nation’s number one defensive linebacker, to the sore achy muscles of the over-zealous accountant attempting to take on or tackle a month’s worth of outdoor chores in a single weekend.

Arnica is made from leopard’s bane, a bright yellow, gangly flowering plant that is often spotted growing on hillsides. Historically, arnica was called "fall herb" because the mountain dwellers who occasionally tumbled or fell down the rugged mountain sides would use arnica to assist in their recovery. Mountain goats would often eat arnica after falling down the mountain sides.

Arnica can be used or taken in pellet, tablet, granules or tincture and/or as a topical cream or salve. When used for injuries to young children or infants, it is normally given in a 30x pellet or soft tablet. Depending on the person, most adults will use a 30c pellet or tablet. Homeopathic remedies can range in potency or dilution from a 1x to 1m. For more in-depth detail about the use of homeopathic remedies and their potencies, please see the list of references and/or attend the upcoming lecture on Introduction to Basic Homeopathy on May 28, 2008.

1. Excellent first-aid for physical and emotional shock of injury
2. Bruising, swelling and hemorrhaging as a result of injury or surgery
3. Sore and achy muscles from overuse
4. Sports injuries, i.e., sprains, falls, blows, fractures, strains, and hematomas
5. Mental and physical shock from loss or grief
6. After effect of old injures or trauma from the past that seem to linger
7. Dental or plastic surgery relief (pain, bruising and swelling)

Family Guide to Homeopathy .................. Alain Horvilleur, M.D.
Homeopathic First Aid
.................. Ann Clover, M.D.
Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Healing
.................. Asa Hershoff, N.D., D.C.
Homeopathic Medicine at Home
.................. Maesimond B. Panos, M.D.
The Family Health Guide to Homeopathy
.................. Barry Rose, M.D.
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants
.................. Dana Ullman, M.P.H.
Family Homeopathy a Practical Guide for Home Treatment
.................. Paul Callinan
Homeopathic Treatment for Sports Injuries
.................. Lyle W. Morgan, Ph.D
Studies of Homeopathic Remedies
.................. Doug Gibson, M.B., B.S. FRCS, Hom
.................. Phyllis Speight

May 28th Lecture: Homeopathy


A Brief History of Homeopathy
The Benefits of Homeopathy
How to Use Homeopathic Remedies
Commonly Used Homeopathic Remedies

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Gelco Spine & Sports Medicine Center
1629 West Avenue J, Suite 101
Lancaster, California

Speaker: Wallace B. Sconiers, Ph.D., Hom, CN

Doctor of Nutrition and Homeopathy
Health & Wellness Educator
Motivational Coach

Dr. Sconiers will lead a basic discussion focusing on the use, benefits, history and safety of homeopathic remedies for adult and family use.

All questions are welcome

Seating is limited

Call (661) 729-4533 or 942-3346