Eczema or Dermatitis is a general term for a group of chronic skin disorders or conditions that mainly involve the epidermis (the outer most layer of the skin), and are characterized by itching, redness, inflammation, dryness, rash, skin edema, oozing, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, or bleeding. The type depends on the cause and location on the body, however, the treatment is the same. The cause can be variable and range from allergies, genetics, especially if there is a family history of asthma, hay fever and allergy, irritating chemicals (fragrance or colors), detergents, drugs, scratching or rubbing, sun exposure, dander, stress, lack of sleep, nutritional deficiencies, digestive disorders and environmental toxic exposure. It may affect people of any age and can be acute or chronic. The condition can be secondary to immune diseases and/or genetic metabolic disorders.
Eat more chemical/toxin-free foods ( artificial color, flavor, sweeteners, preservatives or additives).
Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates from organic fresh fruits and vegetables.
Consume more whole grains, beans and seeds (supply essential fatty acids).
Avoid fried foods and foods high in saturated fats.
Decrease or eliminate refined white sugar, white flour, chocolate and junk foods.
Implement a whole foods diet eating plenty of raw foods.
Reduce or eliminate salt or sodium, sodas, and highly-refined foods.
Include more fiber in the diet from fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and fiber supplements.
Avoid or eliminate cold cuts, colored butter and cheeses, candy, and high fat meats.
Eat low-fat foods that are broiled or baked using olive, canola, or coconut oils.
Avoid or limit foods that may be possible allergens such as wheat and dairy products.
Water: Attempt to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily. We must bear in mind that we are over 70% water.
Implement a regular exercise or sports program (5 - 6 days per week).
Avoid or talk about any stressful situations whenever possible.
Practice meditation, prayer or deep breathing exercises daily.
Maintain a reasonable sleep schedule during the week days and weekends.
Practice mental imagery and correct inner dialogue.
Vitamin A (from fish oil): Food sources are fish liver oil, liver, carrots, dark-green and yellow leafy vegetables, and yellow fruit. (Eggs, milk and dairy products as a source should be avoided).
Vitamin C/Bioflavonoids: Food sources are citrus fruits, berries, bell peppers, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, and kiwi.
B-Complex Vitamins: Food sources are beans, whole grains, cabbage family foods, liver, dark-green and yellow leafy vegetables, yellow fruit, egg yolks, brewers yeast, spirulina and wheat germ.
Vitamin E: Food sources are wheat germ, soybeans, vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, dark green leafy greens, whole grains and eggs.
Selenium: Food sources are grains, beans and dark-green, leafy vegetables.
Calendula Cream: This is an excellent remedy for most any skin complaint that requires disinfecting, pain relief and tissue healing.
Essential fatty acids: Food sources are flax seed, fish, borage oil, primrose oil, pumpkin seeds, black current, sesame seeds, sunflower oil, olive oil, raw nuts and seeds, and extra virgin coconut oil.
Coenzyme Q10: The major food sources are oily fish, organ meats and whole grains.
Zinc: Food sources are fish, legumes, meats, oysters, poultry, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, seafood and whole grains.
Alfalfa is high in minerals and because of its high chlorophyll content, it is a fine cleanser and body detoxifier.
Pycnogenol: Its benefits are plentiful: tissue and skin repair, blood vessel strengthener, improves circulation and vision, promotes skin smoothness and elasticity, joint flexibility and inflammation.
Spirulina: This blue-green alga is known to be one of the most nutritious and health promoting foods around.
L-lysine: This amino acid works quite well for protecting the delicate lining of the mucous membranes against outbreaks and sores.
Stinging nettle
Milk Thistle
Pau D’ Arco
Red Clover
Burdock Root
Peppermint/Green Tea
Apis mellifica
Rhus toxicodendron
Urtica urens
Natrum muriaticum
Mercurius Sulphuratus
Newton's Eczema Formula # 17
Newton’s Cell and Tissue Salts Complex
Stinging nettle
Milk Thistle
Pau D’ Arco
Red Clover
Burdock Root
Peppermint/Green Tea
Apis mellifica
Rhus toxicodendron
Urtica urens
Natrum muriaticum
Mercurius Sulphuratus
Newton's Eczema Formula # 17
Newton’s Cell and Tissue Salts Complex
For more information and to schedule an
appointment with Dr. Wallace,
please call (661) 729-4533.
Services & Fees:
Email: appointment with Dr. Wallace,
please call (661) 729-4533.
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